The Allison Lock-Up and Pressure Controller for Chevy Duramax pick-ups delivers up to 275psi line pressure inside the transmission, giving 25% to 115% more theoretical holding power and help prevent burned up clutches - a great way to increase the longevity of the Allison transmission for towing, street and race applications. Unlike simple solenoid foolers or plugs which are active all the time, the Allison Pressure Controller is only operational when turbo boost exceeds 15psi, and, does not create extra heat when inactive or cause clunky/unusual shifts. Comes with three automatic torque converter lockup modes that are engage based upon turbo boost and enables torque convertor lockup in 2nd gear, 3rd gear or, based on vehicle speed. Includes manual lockup switch which the controller protects the engine from stalling if still engaged at too low of speed. Installs quickly in under an hour.
Three automatic torque converter lockup modes that engage based upon turbo boost
Enables Torque Convertor lockup in 2nd gear, 3rd gear or based on vehicle speed
Manual lockup switch that uses safe engine stall protection
Built in 275psi line pressure booster activates over 15psi of turbo boost
Pressure booster increases line pressure 25%-115% leading to increased transmission holding power
Plug in wiring harnesses and OEM sealed connectors
Installs in about an hour
12-Months Parts
For 2015 model year, this kit is only for early trucks. If your truck has code "AVF" on the glove box RPO build sticker this kit will not fit